「Wind-power generation」


Acrylic on canvas




This work is based on a photo taken in 2000 in front of a wind generator on Aoyama Kogen in Mie Prefecture. I was 9 years old and naturally turned 28 years old. My elder sister in the photo that was 11 years old. Unnaturally stopped at the age of 20 years old. Windmills on top of unnaturally moving mountains are now natural and growing in number.

Natural, Nature, Normal... In Japanese, these words can be converted into a single word "Shizen"(自然). What is "Shizen"(自然) ?





mixed media


with forehead 590x500mm



"WHER" is the first female-only radio station in the United States founded by Sam Phillips in 1955. During this era, the Women's liberation movement by women dissatisfied with the male community, along with the anti-Vietnam war movement, stormed the United States. This work, multiplied by "WHER" and "WHERE", shows the discrimination based on the gender still remaining and the feeling of obstruction felt in Japan. Should I go? Where should I go? Should I stay?

We remain in the fear of hesitation and have only a place to write bad things.





oil on canvas




Peace sign displayed when taking a picture. The hands raised in the city reminded me of a boy being raised in a conflict zone. Where is peace? Is there peace? The boy stands in front of the wall and is lighted up and raises a peace sign. Peace or Victory? Is it just an ideal? Is it a momentary emotion?

2017 / 2018 / 2019

2015 / 2016