May 21 - May 29, 2022
What is Nature ?
Gallery G-77
Oct.11 - Nov.17, 2019
I live in a residential area built on the top of a mountain, and go to an atelier in the forest along a bypass road in a depopulated area. It was created as a bedroom town, a place where people who commute to the city live when Japan was in a bubble economy. A town lined with 2x4 houses without history, separated from the local culture. Outside the town, there are original mountains and wild animals. There are natural and artificial boundaries divided by concrete.
What is nature. Individual recognition acts unconsciously to determine the state. We feel the nature surrounded by trees unnaturally, and the artifacts surrounded by buildings feel natural. The perception of nature depends on the environment in which you lived. A baby experiences interpretation of a place and receives unusual situations from the time when he does not have an ego. Accept without a doubt AI, VR, the Internet, the ever-expanding nature.
Humans have deviated from the hierarchy of living beings. Just as we can do deer as a god or a pest, we can move as we wish. It also creates human hierarchy and causes friction. Location, temperature, humidity, weather, text of 140 characters, CM, movie, book, time, sleep, settlement, history, ..., recognition that rolling in trivial matters goes on in various contradictions.
Be afraid of power and over-defense so that war will occur. People are afraid of nature, nature is afraid of people, fears cross and defense turns into aggression. A variety that moves with the strength and weakness of human beings with duality. I'm thinking about this vague thing.
” Don't talk like one of them you're not, even if you'd like to be. To them you're a freak like me... they just need you right now. But as soon as they don't, they'll cast you out like leper. Their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. ”
(From "The Dark Knight" / Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., / Film director: Christopher Nolan / Joker's lines )
2019 , Kenji Arimoto
” Don't talk like one of them you're not, even if you'd like to be. To them you're a freak like me... they just need you right now. But as soon as they don't, they'll cast you out like leper. Their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. ”
「あっち側にいるつもりで物を言うなよ。お前は違う、たとえそうありたいと思っていたとしてもだ。やつらから見ればアンタもオイラと同じ異常者だぜ……今は必要とされてるけど。でもすぐそうじゃなくなる。そうしたらアンタは嫌われ者だ。やつらが言うモラルだとか規律だとか…… そんなもん悪い冗談だ。困ったことが起こりそうになったら。状況によってはやつらはモラルなんて捨てちまうぜ。」
(From "The Dark Knight" / Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., / Film director: Christopher Nolan / Joker's lines )
2019 , 有本健司